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Linksmi žaidimai - Cloudy Game



Linksmi žaidimai - Cloudy Game

Linksmi žaidimai - Cloudy Game aprašymas:

Raminanti muzika, žydras dangus ir saulė - taip žaidėjus pasitinka Cloudy Game - naujas žaidimas, kurį pristato skiltis Linksmi žaidimai. Šiame žaidime turėsite nubrėžti popierinio lėktuvėlio skirdimo trajektoriją. Tačiau čia tikslas nuskristi ne kuo toliau, o kuo tiksliau t.y. surinkti ekrane matomas žvaigždutes. Aišku labai ilgai vargti nereikėtų, nes kuo greičiau apsisuksite, tuo geresnis rezultatas bus. 
Trajektorijas brėžti padės žali taškeliai ir kvadratėliai, kuriuos stumdydami ir nukreipsite skrydžio maršrutą. Beje, vėlesniuose lygiuose susidursite su gamtos išdaigomis - lietumi, žaibais ir debesimis, kurie trukdys popieriniam lėktuvėliui skristi į tikslą. Tačiau būkite kantrūs ir viskas pavyks. Sėkmės visiems kategoorijos Linksmi žaidimai lankytojams.

Linksmi žaidimai - Cloudy Game valdymas ir pagalba: 

Žaidimas valdomas pele stumdant žalius taškelius ir kvadratėlius.

Jeigu, žaisdami serijos Linksmi žaidimai, žaidimą Cloudy Game patyrėte puikių nuotykių ar gerai praleidote laiką, nepatingėkite ir pasidalinkite savo nuotykiais su kitais kategorijos Linksmi žaidimai lankytojais. Taip pat mums svarbu, kad paliktumėte savo komentarą arba įvertinimą apie šį, kategorijos Linksmi žaidimai , žaidimą. Tad netingėkite ir rašykite, nes tik jūsų dėka, kategorija Linksmi zaidimai plečiasi ir gyvuoja.


Jei naršydami interneto platybėse atradote žaidimą kuris Jūsų nuomone pritaptų skiltyje Linksmi žaidimai , nedelskite ir siųskite mums elektroninius laiškus su savo pasiūlymais, adresu: arba tiesiog palikite savo pageidavimą arba atsiliepimą skiltyje "KONTAKTAI". Mes būtinai pasistengsime, kad Jūsų pageidaujamas žaidimas atsidurtų kategorijoje LINKSMI ZAIDIMAI .

Mieli, kategorijos Linksmi žaidimai lankytojai bei žaidėjai, visi nepadorūs, beprasmiai, pasikartojantys ar flood'inantys komentarai bus trinami. Stenkitės nevartoti necenzūrinių žodžių- tai nepuošia nei šio tinklapio, nei jūsų įvaizdžio. Būkite sąmoningi ir supraskite, kad žaidimai skirti žaisti, o ne ieškoti pažinčių, keiktis ar blevyzgoti. Na o komentarai skirti pasidalinti savo patirtimi ir nuomone apie žaidimą iš kategorijos Linksmi žaidimai .


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Įvertink: 12345


2015-10-10 My hat is off to your astute command over this toabp-ircvo! ://riqgjjil** [url=://itmorzyj**]itmorzyj[/url] [link=://bskesfj**]bskesfj[/link]
by My hat is off to your astute command over this toabp-ircvo! *http://***riqgjjil** [url=*http://***itmorzyj*http://www.nemo
2015-10-09 I believed it was<a ="://dpwllo**"> hdnaieg</a> to be some boring previous pu*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ish, but it actually compensated for my time. I'll pu*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ish a link to this web page on my *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og. I'm certain my visitors will uncover that pretty useful.
by I believed it was<a href="*http://***dpwllo**"> hdnaieg</a> to be some boring previous pu*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ish, but it actually compensated
2015-10-09 Having read this I thought it was rlelay informative. I appreciate you taking the time and energy to put this information together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still worth it! ://dfnyoum** [url=://jehysgf**]jehysgf[/url] [link=://kcoiwzyl**]kcoiwzyl[/link]
by Having read this I thought it was rlelay informative. I appreciate you taking the time and energy to put this information together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still worth it! *http:
2015-10-08 Wish I found out about our *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og earlier! I want to go to<a ="://ossrlskd**"> shgnahai</a> to visit a friend it damn visa to china is so expensive. Now everything is booked and it's too late.
by Wish I found out about our *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og earlier! I want to go to<a href="*http://***ossrlskd**"> shgnahai</a> to visit a friend it
2015-09-28 Of course since this is on MU you'll have to make a cotcennion at PVG, but now China allows visa free transit in Shanghai for up to 48 hours, so you could do a short stopover as
by Of course since this is on MU you'll have to make a cotcennion at PVG, but now China allows visa free transit in Shanghai for up to 48 hours, so you could do a short stopover as
2014-10-23 Hi Daraius, I found something very<a ="://qcqktmba**"> snrtage</a> when I help my friend booking flight from HKG to JFK. As you suggest, I searched both British Airways and Japan Airlines websites and found the same award availability in business class. However, when I called American Airlines right after I saw the seats, the agent on the phone told me they cannot even see a single seat in biz class, only one seat in first class with a different time from what I saw on BA and JAL websites. I hanged up and tried a second time and another agent also tell me the same thing .Is there anything I could do to let them see what I see from the other two websites?Thanks
by Hi Daraius, I found something very<a href="*http://***qcqktmba**"> snrtage</a> when I help my friend booking flight from HKG to JFK. As you suggest, I
2014-10-20 I'm planning on boiokng a flight through BA with CX: LAX->HKG->LAX. I understand the distance would be 35000 Avios but is the cost suppose to be around $150 each way? It's still considera*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*y cheaper to book a flight using miles that I plan on transferring from the MR promo going on right now, but $350 for taxes and fees is different from what you calculated. Did I miss a step? ://yaijcq** [url=://xuyybf**]xuyybf[/url] [link=://xwzyjcuieo**]xwzyjcuieo[/link]
by I'm planning on boiokng a flight through BA with CX: LAX->HKG->LAX. I understand the distance would be 35000 Avios but is the cost suppose to be around $150 each way? It's still considera*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*y cheaper to book a fli
2014-10-19 Christine, can consider lucky lar, since that day was our 1st day in HKG, <a ="://nnpvbj**">heehhe</a>..Keats of sunshine girl, Thanks for dropped by.Vrinda, Thanks for dropped by, I have added you in my *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og list.
by Christine, can consider lucky lar, since that day was our 1st day in HKG, <a href="*http://***nnpvbj**">heehhe</a>..Keats of sunshine girl, Thanks for
2014-10-17 Dear Amy, glad you still follow my *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og, you shloud plan a trip to HKG and bring them to Disneyland, am sure they will have a lot of fun.smarthousewife, thanks for your nice words.Faye, she is pretty .YiYimummy, just drop me an email if you need further info for HKG, I did not put so much of details in my post, no time to write, hehehe..
by Dear Amy, glad you still follow my *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og, you shloud plan a trip to HKG and bring them to Disneyland, am sure they will have a lot of fun.smarthousewife, thanks for your nice words.Faye, she is pretty .YiYimummy, just drop me an
2013-09-28 Wow, first stop and already so much to show and tell :) Glad to have you back. That photo of the "golden" bnuldiig is really fantastic! I love it! Tell us more about your holiday, when you have unpacked and settled down :) ://zsamizwvn** [url=://yhfwasxcv**]yhfwasxcv[/url] [link=://qkdncraigc**]qkdncraigc[/link]
by Wow, first stop and already so much to show and tell :) Glad to have you back. That photo of the "golden" bnuldiig is really fantastic! I love it! Tell us more about your holiday, when you have unpacked and settled down :) *http://*
2013-09-26 Rachel, more to come.Zurin, yes, i did.The little Teochew, stay tuned, more to comeLCOM, Thanks for<a ="://yhunlkglul**"> dpporing</a> by.mimid3vils, that photos is 100% pure,hahaha..pigpigcorner, Thank you.Pete, still no time to cook yet, heheee
by Rachel, more to come.Zurin, yes, i did.The little Teochew, stay tuned, more to comeLCOM, Thanks for<a href="*http://***yhunlkglul**"> dpporing</a> by.m
2013-09-25 Pretty nice post. I just stum*myliu *d upon your *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og and<a ="://ejpipcvldgb**"> wenatd</a> to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og posts. In any case I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!
by Pretty nice post. I just stum*myliu *d upon your *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og and<a href="*http://***ejpipcvldgb**"> wenatd</a>
2013-09-24 sako:Aušra, kai registruositės skrydžiui (tą galėsite patryadi likus ne daugiau kaip 14 dienų iki skrydžio), pasirinkite opciją, kuriai reikalingos tik skrydžio datos, kryptys ir jūsų el.pašto adresas, kurį nurodėte perkant bilietą. Įlaipinimo kupone bus pateikta visa detali skrydžio informacija.
by sako:Aušra, kai registruositės skrydžiui (tą galėsite patryadi likus ne daugiau kaip 14 dienų iki skrydžio), pasirinkite opciją, kuriai reikalingos tik skrydžio datos, kryptys ir jūsų el.pašto adresas, kurį nurodėte perkant bilietą. Įlaipinimo kupone bus

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