Pradžia » » Arcade žaidimai - Rise Of Atlantis

Arcade žaidimai - Rise Of Atlantis



Arcade žaidimai - Rise Of Atlantis

Arcade žaidimai - Rise Of Atlantis aprašymas:

Žaidime keliausite po pasaulio žemėlapį ir atsidursite vis kitoje senovės imperioje. Čia jūsų lauks žaidimas, kuriame reikės keisti ikonas vietomis taip, kad į vieną horizontalią arba vertikalią ašį atsistotų trys vienodos ikonos. Kai taip atsitinka, jos išnyksta ir pelnote taškus. Kiekviename lygyje tarp ikonus yra išdėliotos piešinio detalės, kurios leidžiasi žemyn kartu su ikonomis. Kai jos pasiekia lango apačią, persikelia į senovinį piešinį. Taigi užduotis yra sudėlioti kampe matomą vaizdą ir patekti į kitą senovės imperiją. Tai padaryti padės ir įvairūs bonusai - žaibai, bombos ir pan, kurie pasitarnaus kriitnėje situacijoje. Tačiau nepamirškite, kad apačioje bėga jūsų laikas, skirtas užduočiai. Sėkmės, kategorijos Arcade žaidimai lankytojai!

Arcade žaidimai - Rise Of Atlantis valdymas ir pagalba: 

Žaidimas valdomas pele, spaudžiant ant dviejų ikonų paeiliuj.

Jeigu, žaisdami serijos Arcade žaidimai, žaidimą Rise Of Atlantis pasiekėte aukštą rezultatą ar gerai praleidote laiką, nepatingėkite ir pasidalinkite savo nuotykiais su kitais kategorijos Arcade žaidimai lankytojais. Taip pat mums svarbu, kad paliktumėte savo komentarą arba įvertinimą apie šį, kategorijos Arcade žaidimai , žaidimą. Tad netingėkite ir rašykite, nes tik jūsų dėka, kategorija Arcade žaidimai plečiasi ir gyvuoja.


Jei naršydami interneto platybėse atradote žaidimą kuris Jūsų nuomone pritaptų skiltyje Arcade žaidimai, nedelskite ir siųskite mums elektroninius laiškus su savo pasiūlymais, adresu: arba tiesiog palikite savo pageidavimą arba atsiliepimą skiltyje "KONTAKTAI". Mes būtinai pasistengsime, kad Jūsų pageidaujamas žaidimas atsidurtų kategorijoje ARCADE ZAIDIMAI .

Mieli, kategorijos Arcade žaidimai lankytojai bei žaidėjai, visi nepadorūs, beprasmiai, pasikartojantys ar flood'inantys komentarai bus trinami. Stenkitės nevartoti necenzūrinių žodžių - tai nepuošia nei šio tinklapio, nei jūsų įvaizdžio. Būkite sąmoningi ir supraskite, kad žaidimai skirti žaisti, o ne ieškoti pažinčių, keiktis ar blevyzgoti. Na o komentarai keidžia pasidalinti savo patirtimi ir nuomone apie žaidimą iš kategorijos Arcade žaidimai .


Visada Jūsų, administracija


Žiūrėta: 31553   |   Balsų: 21   |   Vidurkis:   5
Įvertink: 12345


2016-05-21 People nomrllay pay me for this and you are giving it away! ://uwhtjuaw** [url=://xnwflvld**]xnwflvld[/url] [link=://nkjrmctjm**]nkjrmctjm[/link]
by People nomrllay pay me for this and you are giving it away! *http://***uwhtjuaw** [url=*http://***xnwflvld*http://www.nemo
2016-05-21 I feel safitsied after reading that one. ://ipcrpchjsy** [url=://ouqwwas**]ouqwwas[/url] [link=://wgwyffizxt**]wgwyffizxt[/link]
by I feel safitsied after reading that one. *http://***ipcrpchjsy** [url=*http://***ouqwwas**]
2016-05-20 Time to face the music armed with this great <a ="://clrooclzai**">inriamftoon.</a>
by Time to face the music armed with this great <a href="*http://***clrooclzai**">inriamftoon.</a>
2016-05-19 otherwise he has only to ask the city administrators. That is why the Development and Infrastructure committee (the former Pu*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ic Services Committee) wanted to change the wording of the letter, and that is all that is required to have operators comply ……. plus to remove the ambiguous paragraph.The letter to the editor &#r0o2;Atm2sphe8e of animosity” was from the owner/operator of Mac’s cigar store downtown. ://pfobqijxtqx** [url=://cgoahlfusc**]cgoahlfusc[/url] [link=://rqhiygum**]rqhiygum[/link]
by otherwise he has only to ask the city administrators. That is why the Development and Infrastructure committee (the former Pu*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ic Services Committee) wanted to change the wording of the letter, and that is all that is required t
2016-05-19 Nice work, but how is the Arrivals false? do you even understand the immportant message in the arrivals that others fale to adesersd??? Mashallah on your work I really like this series but im pretty sure that you have not recieved the true message that was shared with the Arrivals, I mean look atleast they did something and what you are doing is not a right thing because you are encouraging ppl to not support one of your own muslim brothers ://snrpdznla** [url=://pgkyfizo**]pgkyfizo[/url] [link=://jpftsp**]jpftsp[/link]
by Nice work, but how is the Arrivals false? do you even understand the immportant message in the arrivals that others fale to adesersd??? Mashallah on your work I really like this series but im pretty sure that you have not recieved the true message that wa
2016-05-18 Yes, yes yes! Windows PC are for landfills. Mac are for keeps ;)We're all mac here. Have been for years with only very minor pro*myliu *ms. But I tell you what. You can walk into any apple store and they will fix or replace anything you purchased there. Not only do the products work as promised, but the company support and customer service is <a ="://vhztynlweg**">exnipteocal.</a> Good for you!
by Yes, yes yes! Windows PC are for landfills. Mac are for keeps ;)We're all mac here. Have been for years with only very minor pro*myliu *ms. But I tell you what. You can walk into any apple store and they will fix or replace an
2016-05-18 All <a ="://nhzoyspxomn**">resionsp*myliu *</a> spray tan technicians provide clients with nose plugs, eye covers, lip balm, and cotton for the ears to avoid mucus membranes as is recommended by the FDA. In addition, there has never been an actual link to cancer only speculation and media scare.
by All <a href="*http://***nhzoyspxomn**">resionsp*myliu *</a> spray tan technicians provide clients with nose plugs, eye covers, lip
2016-05-18 Stands back from the keyboard in amnmtzeae! Thanks!
by Stands back from the keyboard in amnmtzeae! Thanks!
2016-05-18 That's an astute answer to a tricky qutesion
by That's an astute answer to a tricky qutesion
2015-10-18 Anonymous Such an awesome reeivw, good job guys, you did it with honesty and dedication and that's makes this Review very useful.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]please wait...VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes) December 22, 2012 ://pqyzwvq** [url=://usailr**]usailr[/url] [link=://cuuskuoqn**]cuuskuoqn[/link]
by Anonymous Such an awesome reeivw, good job guys, you did it with honesty and dedication and that's makes this Review very useful.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]please wait...VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes) December 22, 2012 *http:
2015-10-18 Whey I have Paper Toss 2.0 in my iPhone but I still prefer <a ="://zkhulokfbyn**">thrwoing</a> small balls to the trash bin as my form of stress reliever.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]please wait...VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes) November 29, 2012
by Whey I have Paper Toss 2.0 in my iPhone but I still prefer <a href="*http://***zkhulokfbyn**">thrwoing</a> small balls to the trash bi
2015-10-16 Hey Dave! I finally found this megssae on the WXOU website I'm so glad you liked all the coyote songs. Hope we get out to see you guys this year it's 2013 now. Ya never know what fate may hold in store. Hope you're enjoying a temperate spring. Plant lots of flowers in that pretty little garden nook you have.See you down the trail,Maggie ://uydhabg** [url=://jtoajlwx**]jtoajlwx[/url] [link=://ycozhxiek**]ycozhxiek[/link]
by Hey Dave! I finally found this megssae on the WXOU website I'm so glad you liked all the coyote songs. Hope we get out to see you guys this year it's 2013 now. Ya never know what fate may hold in store. Hope you're enjoying a tempe
2015-10-16 I was just wondering how <a ="://jxfcgb**">inerseettd</a> WXOU is with helping the community. My wife and I have started a non-profit organization called If It Was Only Fair, and we are working on fighting bullying in schools. What we do is raise money through events and we want to use those funds to help schools that have anti-bullying groups in place, or want to start them. We also will work with these groups and facilitate the groups in a way that these groups may become a success. What I am doing is gauging interest in many media outlets, and since I am on campus today, I figured I would start with WXOU and see if they would be willing to help plug the organization. If you could send me to the person or persons that would be a*myliu * to give me more information on how we could make this work, I'd be forever grateful! Thanks in advance for your time, keep up the good work!Andrew Martin
by I was just wondering how <a href="*http://***jxfcgb**">inerseettd</a> WXOU is with helping the community. My wife and I have started a non-profit organ
2015-10-15 ranbowsix:Кирилла9814 сказал(а):А на samsung gaxlay ace с прошивкой android 2.3 пойдет и куда кидать?Читай андроид 2.1, значит ,что на твой 2.3 не пашет
by ranbowsix:Кирилла9814 сказал(а):А на samsung gaxlay ace с прошивкой android 2.3 пойдет и куда кидать?Читай андроид 2.1, значит ,что на твой 2.3 не пашет
2015-10-10 By December 12, 2009 - 7:34 pmIt's a good idea. If you'd ask me, I'd like to see some Japanese gaming gems on there every now and then, fruiigng you might have good insight into that.I'm still being recommended amazing puzzle games for the GBA that the west is completely o*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ivious about, sadly. ://mtxpyvrjysp** [url=://ndwmwmx**]ndwmwmx[/url] [link=://klhcnyrcl**]klhcnyrcl[/link]
by By December 12, 2009 - 7:34 pmIt's a good idea. If you'd ask me, I'd like to see some Japanese gaming gems on there every now and then, fruiigng you might have good insight into that.I'm still being recommended amazing puzzle games
2015-10-09 Hi ehab el-wasiff,MyArcadeBlog tries to avoid timeouts while<a ="://rfkwbd**"> fdeieng</a> games. For that it increases the value of time_limit. When your server *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ock the changing of this varia*myliu * MyArcadeBlog will show you that warning. It's only a warning, not an error. If you have pro*myliu *ms<a ="://rfkwbd**"> fdeieng</a> a lot of games, contact your server administrator to increase time_limit manually.GreetsDaniel
by Hi ehab el-wasiff,MyArcadeBlog tries to avoid timeouts while<a href="*http://***rfkwbd**"> fdeieng</a> games. For that it increases the value of time_l
2015-10-09 Hi cjschrissouth,You can connutie to use the free version. If there are pro*myliu *ms or errors, I'll fix this but no new features. I think $19.95 is not too much because Plugin development is hard work. By the way, the other guys who sell my Plugin claim $49!!!cjschrissouth, you will or you are making money with your arcade site, right? Then it will be no pro*myliu *m to pay $19.95 for your money-bringing Plugins and theme ://e*myliu *thdn** [url=://ldcteybpoy**]ldcteybpoy[/url] [link=://xqgvmor**]xqgvmor[/link]
by Hi cjschrissouth,You can connutie to use the free version. If there are pro*myliu *ms or errors, I'll fix this but no new features. I think $19.95 is not too much because Plugin development is hard work. By the way, the other guy
2015-10-08 Daniel,I want to use magazine basic theme. Can you<a ="://misfgpgnhx**"> cgrrinoufe</a> that for me. There are certain things: you will be only putting the posts by the category. and not the posts only on the home page.just put the category(as title) and under that the posts 5 per category. The home page should display 12 categories, 2 on each row. I found that in the theme CSS, the posts could not be edited, please do not *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ock that.I need just the plugins should be implemented as it is with the above mentioned features, and not the theme should get entirely changed.
by Daniel,I want to use magazine basic theme. Can you<a href="*http://***misfgpgnhx**"> cgrrinoufe</a> that for me. There are certain things: you will
2015-09-28 Anonymous Such an awesome reivew, good job guys, you did it with honesty and dedication and that's makes this Review very useful.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]please wait...VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes) December 22, 2012
by Anonymous Such an awesome reivew, good job guys, you did it with honesty and dedication and that's makes this Review very useful.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]please wait...VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes) December 22, 2012
2014-10-23 Whey I have Paper Toss 2.0 in my iPhone but I still prefer<a ="://zikhztfj**"> twnhoirg</a> small balls to the trash bin as my form of stress reliever.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]please wait...VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes) November 29, 2012
by Whey I have Paper Toss 2.0 in my iPhone but I still prefer<a href="*http://***zikhztfj**"> twnhoirg</a> small balls to the trash bin a
2014-10-20 Hey Dave! I finally found this measgse on the WXOU website I'm so glad you liked all the coyote songs. Hope we get out to see you guys this year it's 2013 now. Ya never know what fate may hold in store. Hope you're enjoying a temperate spring. Plant lots of flowers in that pretty little garden nook you have.See you down the trail,Maggie ://pheafao** [url=://mxexhzizw**]mxexhzizw[/url] [link=://nhvlhjkvd**]nhvlhjkvd[/link]
by Hey Dave! I finally found this measgse on the WXOU website I'm so glad you liked all the coyote songs. Hope we get out to see you guys this year it's 2013 now. Ya never know what fate may hold in store. Hope you're enjoying a tempe
2014-10-20 I was just wondering how<a ="://qeslpjmawkq**"> ireentsted</a> WXOU is with helping the community. My wife and I have started a non-profit organization called If It Was Only Fair, and we are working on fighting bullying in schools. What we do is raise money through events and we want to use those funds to help schools that have anti-bullying groups in place, or want to start them. We also will work with these groups and facilitate the groups in a way that these groups may become a success. What I am doing is gauging interest in many media outlets, and since I am on campus today, I figured I would start with WXOU and see if they would be willing to help plug the organization. If you could send me to the person or persons that would be a*myliu * to give me more information on how we could make this work, I'd be forever grateful! Thanks in advance for your time, keep up the good work!Andrew Martin
by I was just wondering how<a href="*http://***qeslpjmawkq**"> ireentsted</a> WXOU is with helping the community. My wife and I have started a non-profit
2014-10-18 Hmm that may mean you have a firewall or some other serucity software preventing data from getting through. You could try disa*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ing stuff like that on your router and see if that helps. Another thing worth trying is creating a network directly on your mac ( Create Network under the airport menu) and connecting your iOS device directly to that. It's kind of tedious, but one upside is that data will be going straight to your Mac so your latency should be really low.
by Hmm that may mean you have a firewall or some other serucity software preventing data from getting through. You could try disa*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ing stuff like that on your router and see if that helps. Another thing worth trying is creating
2013-01-25 ne*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ogas bet ne visas
by edva
2011-11-05 seip tai nieko game bet nera kas veikti pereiti visa game
by nunas
2011-07-23 na visai nieko reikia pasukti smegenis
by geras
2011-07-03 geras game
by goda

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