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Sporto žaidimai - High Dive Hero



Sporto žaidimai - High Dive Hero

Sporto žaidimai - High Dive Hero aprašymas:

Nuo šiol galėsite treniruoti savo šuolių į vandenį gabumes net nekeldami kojos iš namų. Jums tereikia apsilankyti kategorijoje Sporto žaidimai ir pasirinkti  High Dive Hero flash'iuką. Žaidimo tikslas- kuo gražiau ir sklandžiau atlikti tris šuolius nuo 5 metrų, 10 metrų ir 15 metrų aukščio lieptelių. Vertinamas yra ne vien suktukų kiekis, bet ir tai, kaip sklandžia ir grakščiai neriate į vandenį. Jeigu trenksiteės į vandenį pilvu- taškų nesitikėkite. Pavykus pirmajam šuoliui ir surinkus reikiamą taškų skaičių, pereinate į antrąjį lygį- šuolį nuo 10 metrų lieptelio.
Šuolio metu turėsite galimybę atlikti tris figūras ir valdytį šuolininko kritimo kampą. Svarbu yra spėti pasukti šuolininką į statmeną vandeniui poziciją, prieš atliekant nėrimą, nes tik tuokiu atveju šuolis bus laikomas pavykusiu. Linkime puikiai praleisti laiką, žaidžiant žaidimus iš serijos Sporto žaidimai.


Sporto žaidimai - High Dive Hero valdymas ir pagalba: 

Žaidimas valdomas klavietūra: X, C, V- figūros atliekamos šuolio metu, SPACE- šuolis nuo lieptelio, rodyklės į KAIRĘ ir DEŠINĘ leis reguliuoti šuolininko šuolio kampą.


Jeigu, žaisdami serijos Sporto žaidimai, žaidimą High Dive Hero, atlikote puikių šuolių ar pasiekėte įspūdingą rezultatą, nepatingėkite ir pasidalinkite savo nuotykiais su kitais kategorijos Sporto žaidimai lankytojais. Taip pat mums svarbu, kad paliktumėte savo komentarą arba įvertinimą apie šį, kategorijos Sporto žaidimai , žaidimą. Tad netingėkite ir rašykite, nes tik jūsų dėka, kategorija Sporto žaidimai plečiasi ir gyvuoja.


Jei naršydami interneto platybse atradote žaidimų kuris Jūsų nuomone pritaptų skiltyje Sporto žaidimai , nedelskite ir siųskite mums elektroninius laiškus su savo pasiūlymais, adresu: arba tiesiog palikite savo pageidavimą arba atsiliepimą skiltyje "KONTAKTAI". Mes būtinai pasistengsime, kad Jūsų pageidaujamas žaidimas atsidurtų kategorijoje SPORTO ŽAIDIMAI .

Mieli, kategorijos Sporto žaidimai lankytojai bei žaidėjai, visi nepadorūs, beprasmiai, pasikartojantys ar flood'inantys komentarai bus trinami. Stenkitės nevartoti necenzūrinių žodžių- tai nepuošia nei šio tinklapio, nei jūsų įvaizdžio. Būkite sąmoningi ir supraskite, kad žaidimai skirti žaisti, o ne ieškoti pažinčių, keiktis ar blevyzgoti. Na o komentarai skirti pasidalinti savo patirtimi ir nuomone apie žaidimą iš kategorijos Sporto žaidimai .


Visada Jūsų, kategorijos Sporto žaidimai administracija


Žiūrėta: 9472   |   Balsų: 9   |   Vidurkis:   5
Įvertink: 12345


2015-12-23 I was thinking of doing ahoentr *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og post on articles prior to the current video series. I did intend to put your articles into that list. Thanks for including these two. Any more you wish to call my attention to of your own or others I would appreciate. Or you can add more when that article is posted.I am looking forward to your transcript of the video. I am a little hazy on what the critique of the original Khan video was. I admire the effort you have made to criticize the Khan videos and support others who had the temerity to doubt them. ://schocvk** [url=://cjcdlegzw**]cjcdlegzw[/url] [link=://amhapnzm**]amhapnzm[/link]
by I was thinking of doing ahoentr *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og post on articles prior to the current video series. I did intend to put your articles into that list. Thanks for including these two. Any more you wish to call my attention to of your own
2015-12-22 In a word .Awesome! Truly inspirational <a ="://twgvgkhec**">vdoies</a> and really well made.As a high school math teacher in New York, I agree with everything that she has to say about the high school math curriculum. It tends to ignore most of the really interesting, inspirational, fun elements of mathematics and instead presents it as a dull, disconnected series of topics and skills that need to be covered before the test . The curriculum is taylor made to make even the most wide-eyed and curious students hate mathematics and it does not promote dynamic teaching. I hope that, at some point in my 30-year career, the state will start empowering teachers to have some say in how we present mathematics to our students. No more rigid, state imposed math curricula. Let's start the revolution.
by In a word .Awesome! Truly inspirational <a href="*http://***twgvgkhec**">vdoies</a> and really well made.As a high school math teacher in New York, I
2015-12-21 You are a great man salman khan,you helped me in university, you helped my brother in school and you helped my cousin who was always seen as dumb and now is the smartest in his class and is excited to learn more. thank you again
by You are a great man salman khan,you helped me in university, you helped my brother in school and you helped my cousin who was always seen as dumb and now is the smartest in his class and is excited to learn more. thank you again
2014-10-23 Posters are when you create a large <a ="://qpbigw**">caradobrd</a> poster of your research, and get accepted onto the conf program to take part in a poster session, which is when a whole bunch of poster-presenters (like 50 of them) all stand in a ballroom next to their posters on easels, and present the work to anyone who passes by. The bar is much much lower than for a paper acceptance, and consequently the prestige is exponentially lower, unless you are in the sciences, where posters are well regarded.
by Posters are when you create a large <a href="*http://***qpbigw**">caradobrd</a> poster of your research, and get accepted onto the conf program to take
2014-10-20 I was thinking of doing ahnoter *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og post on articles prior to the current video series. I did intend to put your articles into that list. Thanks for including these two. Any more you wish to call my attention to of your own or others I would appreciate. Or you can add more when that article is posted.I am looking forward to your transcript of the video. I am a little hazy on what the critique of the original Khan video was. I admire the effort you have made to criticize the Khan videos and support others who had the temerity to doubt them. ://mmrvtu** [url=://huofcc*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*xa**]huofcc*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*xa[/url] [link=://bvsrxygajw**]bvsrxygajw[/link]
by I was thinking of doing ahnoter *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og post on articles prior to the current video series. I did intend to put your articles into that list. Thanks for including these two. Any more you wish to call my attention to of your own
2014-10-19 In a word .Awesome! Truly inspirational<a ="://yaoxfgzjh**"> videos</a> and really well made.As a high school math teacher in New York, I agree with everything that she has to say about the high school math curriculum. It tends to ignore most of the really interesting, inspirational, fun elements of mathematics and instead presents it as a dull, disconnected series of topics and skills that need to be covered before the test . The curriculum is taylor made to make even the most wide-eyed and curious students hate mathematics and it does not promote dynamic teaching. I hope that, at some point in my 30-year career, the state will start empowering teachers to have some say in how we present mathematics to our students. No more rigid, state imposed math curricula. Let's start the revolution.
by In a word .Awesome! Truly inspirational<a href="*http://***yaoxfgzjh**"> videos</a> and really well made.As a high school math teacher in New York, I
2014-10-17 The BlogNetwork is a new dynamic, inntoavive way to *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og and make money by writing about your passions. Matt Goettsche is a co-owner of the BlogNetwork and an Internet Marketing genius. Matt has personally created, produced and shared the first BlogNetwork video training teaching all the members the best proven methods for getting started the right way with our *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ogs. The training is simple and to the point and well worth the time invested to learn the most powerful new techniques for *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ogging. The BlogNetwork is an incredi*myliu * new original approach to *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ogging and making money writing about your passions and interests!
by The BlogNetwork is a new dynamic, inntoavive way to *nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*og and make money by writing about your passions. Matt Goettsche is a co-owner of the BlogNetwork and an Internet Marketing genius. Matt has personally created, produced and
2012-06-28 ka tu
by ale
2011-11-12 ssssssssssss
by keirjfurjrhfjurrufjds
2010-06-05 nu normaliai bet ka zinau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jo geras
by ame
2010-01-05 normalus toks
by kornelija
2009-07-24 pabandykit sita, manau kur kas geresnis ://
by geras
2009-07-16 cool zaidimas
by model teko 1002

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