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Loginiai žaidimai - Boat Invasion





Loginiai žaidimai - Boat Invasion

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2015-10-15 Three Things:1. The email address litesd with this post IS valid; I have my own domain and have set it up to receive messages sent to the litesd address (having a one-off email system lets me know who shares my contact information 2. You have my vote for Lt Gov based on the indication that you will work to eliminate the position of Lt Gov.3. I am one of those gun people you mention in this article. Realizing that I am not likely to change your opinions, never-the-less, I do feel compelled to respond to several points you raise about the 2nd Amendment and folks like me. You say, Right in the Second Amendment there is the suggestion that the possession of arms can be subject to reasona*myliu * regulation. That is true, but it is NOT in the clause that you highlight. At the time the Bill of Rights was penned, the term well regulated meant well practiced. We might say of someone who can sing on key, they have a well modulated voice ; the Founding Fathers would have found nothing amiss in saying, they have a well regulated voice. The term meant controlled but controlled *internally* again, as from practice, not from government oversight. You say, In 1791 “arms” consisted of muskets and cannons This list is correct, but woefully incomplete. Arms also consisted of rifles capa*myliu * of consistently putting a ball into an 8-inch square at 900 yards. A good rifleman could fire three (3) rounds per minute from such a weapon. Further, arms also included longbows (Ben Franklin suggested the Continental Army adopt these) effective to 1000 yards; various edged weapons such as dirks, daggers, short swords, long swords, rapiers, cutlasses, sabers, et cetera (all of these often prefera*myliu * to a firearm for close combat); and repeating weapons such as certain crossbows and the Girandoni Rifle (adopted by the Austrian Army in 1780 and used until 1815). The Girandoni in particular, is worthy of review. Predating the Constitution by 15 years, it was compara*myliu * to the modern .45 ACP in muzzle velocity, was effective to 150 yards, and could, in trained hands, fire approximately forty (40) rounds per minute, including reload time (the rifle held 20+1 rounds initially). And yes, the Framers were aware of such arms there is recorded discussion of the Swiss model (crossbows) and a few years after the Bill of Rights were ratified, Lewis and Clark carried an actual Girandoni through what later became Washington State. (Note: The Girandoni is the main reason that Napoleon left the Austrians alone.)Those of us who favor a strict interpretation of the Constitution are constructionists not originalists and that distinction is important. We look at external resources contemporaneous with the framing of the Constitution to determine intent. In point of fact, back in the 1930 s the Supreme Court issued an opinion on the standard to use for determining what arms are protected by the Second Amendment. Basically, they zeroed in on the term militia (not regulated ) as the point of assessment. The equated light infantry with militia and basically set the standard as, ordinary military equipment that could contribute to the common defense. To put this into practical terms, simply ask, what might a light infantryman carry? This standard would eliminate crew-served weapons, field howitzers, and the tactical Nuke you mention. On the other hand, it would include arms capa*myliu * of selective fire including full-auto (which, by the way, ARE legal to possess provided you obtain the proper licenses, pay the taxes, and live in the right state).Finally, you say, Single issue gun people should get away from their focus on this single issue so that they can consider other issues Here, I strongly beg to differ. I think ALL voters should be (and most are) single-issue voters. In any given list of issues you, as a voter, should be a*myliu * to esta*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*ish a hierarchy an order of importance. Starting at the top, you should be a*myliu * to evaluate a candidate and his opposition on each issue. At the first place where there is a difference between the candidates, the voting choice is made. Oh, I know, people will say, it's more complex than that! Really? Suppose the difference in candidates is over the Abortion issue with social programs farther down the list. If you are a Pro-choice person, how many back alley abortions are you willing to trade for free hot lunch at the local school? If you are a Pro-life person, how many child murders are you willing to tolerate for a hike in the minimum wage? Do these sound like ridiculous questions? They should because *everyone* should be a single-issue voter and not compromise higher principles for baser ones. (Note: If free hot lunch is your thing, you will rank that above Abortion and take your decision based on whether or not ketchup is a vegeta*myliu * rather than the candidates' Abortion positions.)In my case, abolishing a wasteful government office (id est: Lieutenant Governor) ranks above 2nd Amendment concerns (of course, No-Lieutenant-Governor = No-Lieutenant-Governor-to-take-a-position-on-gun-control); so, you get my vote. I am in this case, as always, a single-issue voter; you just triggered my support at a level above where the 2nd Amendment normally ranks an' thet ain't easy ta do!Good Luck!
by Three Things:1. The email address litesd with this post IS valid; I have my own domain and have set it up to receive messages sent to the litesd address (having a one-off email system lets me know who shares my contact information 2. You have my vote
2015-10-10 Very cute read, I like romantic coimdees! Las Vegas here I come! LOL It looks like a great book. Belinda Gbelgre AT comcast DOT net ://sktejo** [url=://gkuxkwrdfjy**]gkuxkwrdfjy[/url] [link=://rwqplsz**]rwqplsz[/link]
by Very cute read, I like romantic coimdees! Las Vegas here I come! LOL It looks like a great book. Belinda Gbelgre AT comcast DOT net *http://***sktejo** [url=*http://*ht
2015-10-09 Hi! Happy Anniversary and Happy New Years! Ive always wanetd to go to Ireland. That would be my dream! Thanks for the awesome hop and all the giveaways! This is so fun! Thank you!! Have a great day! Best wishes and many *myliu *ssings to you!shadowluvs2read(at)gmail(dot)com ://recrfo** [url=://zrczdnlwpan**]zrczdnlwpan[/url] [link=://tasgdvcpbnm**]tasgdvcpbnm[/link]
by Hi! Happy Anniversary and Happy New Years! Ive always wanetd to go to Ireland. That would be my dream! Thanks for the awesome hop and all the giveaways! This is so fun! Thank you!! Have a great day! Best wishes and many *myliu *ssings
2015-10-08 Hi and Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year. Great giveaway. Your book <a ="://nunoyvzbi**">sondus</a> awesome. My dream vacation has always been to go to Hawaii. Thanks for all you very talented author's do.It means a lot to me to get to meet such very nice people.
by Hi and Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year. Great giveaway. Your book <a href="*http://***nunoyvzbi**">sondus</a> awesome. My dream vacation has alway
2015-09-28 Everyone else appears to have been sent to anethor address the preditor had me come to his actual home.. After practicing on many woman there is a chance that was gonna finalize his SICK DESIRE to put people in danger ..THANK GOD I WAS SMART ENOUGH TO OPEN THE DOOR.. Although I know what he's doing tthrough other woman I dont have much of a case because he had me come to his own house and I never tried the door ..I DINT THINK I WOULD BE HERE IF I DID..If anyone can provide me with the address's you were sent to PLEASE POST THEM IN THIS SITE Joseph RAIOLA is not the sharpest tool in the shed..he called the police on me for harassing which gave the opportunity to explain to them how he is scheduling appts. with escorts and giving them the address of unsuspecting families saying I wll leave the front door open, obviously hoping either you or the people inside the home would get hurt It is only my own opinion, I think he ii sending you to the address of people he is associated with FREAKS like him want to hear about the crimes thier commiting. The word is out I emailed anybody and everybody associated with the organizations he belongs to. People have to be talking .I'm hoping the word spread and somebody may recall a stranger knocking on thier or possi*nemokami zaidimai -geriausi*y have gone through the door He'a not too computer savy!!! WHOS'S THE FOOL NOW!!! Buy the way will be provided an attorney .. I broke down and to the date.. He is MULTI MILLIONAIRE!!! I To JOSEPH ..the SICK PREDITOR, BRING IT THE FUCK ON !!! -2Was this answer helpful?
by Everyone else appears to have been sent to anethor address the preditor had me come to his actual home.. After practicing on many woman there is a chance that was gonna finalize his SICK DESIRE to put people in danger ..THANK GOD I WAS SMART ENOUGH TO OPE
2013-03-03 puiku!!!!!!!!!!
by ema
2011-03-31 idomus zaidasa :) zaidziant reikia pagalvoti.
by mikas
2011-03-23 liuks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by deimante

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